Tuesday, January 10, 2017

LIFE in UMak

" 1st day in UMak"
     A senior high student? Student-athlete? What’em I in this new school? A story of a k12 student of University of Makati.
   I’m a k12 student of University of Makati, currently a grade 11 student of HSU in the academic track STEM. My current life in UMAK, well it’s not easy because having 3 math subjects is not easy(well its really not easy). I choose this school because of my parents and its near my home.it’s like embarking on a new quest were I need to tackle everyday for 6 months and another more year. Now for the STEM part, I slowly gain knowledge of the lessons  taught to us. 
"Dyisinueve Laban"
    But the bright side I have this new classmates in G11-19 with this dudes my life in Umak is fun. I got separated from my friends in junior high because we all took different school to attend on, but we do see each other time to time. Choosing this strand gives me different opportunities in which I want to take in my collage days (but still not sure what to take).


 Well I acquainted myself with school activities. I join the “HERONS LACROSSE”. It’s a new sport offered here in the university. Its a international sport played by both gender, it was mostly played in America. I join this team because, I watch this TV show were they playing this game and I got engrossed wanting to experience playing that sport. I was overjoyed when I got accepted in the team. I already experience playing a clinic or scrimmage when they hosted it at the University Oval. Getting close with the team was fun too. It gave me confidence to communicate with others well.
"Herons-Encore Lacrosse Scrimmage"

"Herons Fly"
Philippine Lacrosse-Encore Clinic 2016
Still don’t know what ending I can make but, I’m just starting a new chapter in my life in Umak and still moving forward towards that good of achievement. I’m going to thrive for that success I want to attain in this University. This is just start of a new experience.


         A story about my own existence? When I think about it, it’s a mystery that needs an infinite answers. A glistering soul that floats within a human body. Well, even I still question myself.

  Well for the introductions, I’m going to tell my name it’s Rowelle Aliana Teneza-Escullar. I was born on the 30th of October year 1999, in the City of Makati. My family is consist of 7 members (father, mother, 2 brothers, 2 sisters and me). Generally, my life is the same with the others waking up in the morning, going to school (still a student), doing homeworks, sleeping. Everyday repeats by itself. Well having friends is good, my junior high school friends were all still close maybe because we have each other back then. Well my present school is Umak (University of Makati) currently a grade 11 student of HSU (Higher Skul ng Umak) taking the strand of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics). This is a big step for me to tackle because new school is equal to new unfamiliar faces to see everday. I’m still anxious about the decision that I took. I still do have the opportunity to continue my studies in my previous school but I decided to leave, because I want tot experience a new chapter in my life to meet my  own expectations of the reality.                
"Lacrosse Herons Fly"
"Herons-Encore Lacrosse Scrimmage"

        Currently, I become a student-athlete of my school. I join the team of “HERONS LACROSSE “. Well it’s a sport that just started in the University and I’m a member of it now *so so happy*.

         Now for my hobbies, well for starters, Me myself likes to play online games (RPG,Simulation, Action and Puzzle-Solving). Well singing is not my forte but I like singing alot and listening to music a lot (Classical, Pop, RnB, Kpop is included) dancing sometimes when I’m on the groove itself, Reading is one of my favorite like different genres of book is acceptable, relating myself to the story is fun. But sometimes doing home workouts are the best, watching movies it depends in the mood of the weather when it’s raining, I like to watch horror movies with those kind of climate and a tear-jerking moment where you need to find the sequel of the movie in a instant.


 Now my ambition a career that will make my life  a carefree person. Particularly, when I think about myself different thoughts piled up, it makes me a bit dizzy ti think. I do have a ambition but it keeps changing form time to time asking the same question “What I want to do?”. My career path is something like this when I graduate I want to be a licensed doctor and will study again become a professional chef next travel with friends and maybe I will enter the military force and have a rank of a Major or General.
        Well life take us to different paths, we are the ones who will walk on that road and the ones making our decisions how we try to reorder those mistakes and change it to something new.

Sunday, January 1, 2017


     The emergence of technology, made possible by the development of the rational faculty, paved the way for the first stage: the tool. A tool provides a mechanical advantage in accomplishing a physical task, such as an arrow, plow, or hammer that augments physical labor to more efficiently achieve his objective. Later animal-powered tools such as the plow and the horse, increased the productivity of food production about tenfold over the technology of the hunter-gatherers. Tools allow one to do things impossible to accomplish with one's body alone, such as seeing minute visual detail with a microscope, manipulating heavy objects with a pulley and cart, or carrying volumes of water in a bucket. 
    An economic implication of the above idea is that intellectual labour will become increasingly more important relative to physical labour. Contracts and agreements around information will become increasingly more common at the marketplace. Expansion and creation of new kinds of institutes that works with information such as for example universities, book stores, patent-trading companies, etc. is considered an indication that a civilization is in technological evolution.


According to Use of Technology, the advantages of technology include:

  • access to information
  • improved communication
  • improved entertainment
  • educational convenience
  • social networking
  • advancements within various industries. 



Disadvantages of technology include: 
  • increased loneliness
  • potential addiction
  • job loss
  • reduced competency
  • destructive weapons
  • instant gratification  

Technology continues to grow rapidly and to change different aspects of life daily. 

      However, technology also has a few disadvantages. Technology has the potential to create employment instability. As technology advances, the need for human workers decreases. Robots and artificial intelligence are performing jobs traditionally done by humans. Increased dependency on technology is another disadvantage.

    Tools such as calculators and spell checkers affect the way individuals use their brains. Relying heavily on technology reduces creativity and competency. Individuals can become addicted to technology. Many people spend a large amount of time checking emails, sending text messages and using social media, which can become addictive.